MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 5, 2020 Contact: Jamie Mara (920) 209-3990 | [email protected] Lafayette Ag Stewardship Alliance to…
MADISON, Wis. — Like many of the other dairy farmers in the Monona Terrace banquet hall on Wednesday night, Jim…
By Josh Kamps, UW-Extension-Lafayette County Farmers are well aware of the risk for poor crop emergence and uneven plant stands…
Friends of LASA, WOW! 2019… Is it finally over? As we begin a new year, I’m sure we all have…
Eric Cooley, Discovery Farms Co-Director Many farmers have purchased or are considering purchasing equipment to modify existing drainage tile systems…
Learn more about our efforts in the LASA newsletter!
LASA Annual Meeting – Feb. 25 | 10 a.m. Multi-Purpose Building, 11974 Ames Road, Darlington, WI 53530 Tentative Schedule…
By Lafayette Ag Stewardship Alliance Results released this week from a fourth round of well tests in three area counties confirms…
Conservation grant will help LASA in watershed work Lafayette Ag Stewardship Alliance has received a state grant to continue the…
By Mary Hookham For LASA DARLINGTON, Wis. — For Gretchen Kamps, a beef farmer from Belmont, accountability stands out as…