Join LASA members for our summer field day at Wilson Organic Farms.
Location: 10950 S Galena Rd, Cuba City, WI 53807
Agenda and presenters include:
10:30 a.m. | Registration, networking
11:00 a.m. | Welcome/Introduction, Wilson Organic Farms
11:15 a.m. | Soil health in a soil pit
Josh Kamps, Regional crops & soils educator, UW-Extension
12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Lunch (catered by The General Store, Mary Monson)
12:30 p.m. | Field conversation
Keith & Chris Wilson, Wilson Organic Farms (Winter barley cover crop, planting green soybeans, no-till rye roller crimping and weed control topics from the Wilson family of Wilson Organic Farms.)
1:30 p.m. | Rainfall Simulator
Kory Stalsberg, Farm Business & Production Mgmt Instructor, Southwest Technical College
Please RSVP.
Learn more on the our presenters:
Josh Kamps is the regional crops and soils educator for Grant, Green, Iowa and Lafayette counties with University of Wisconsin Division of Extension. His educational programming is focused on implementation of soil health practices and utilization of diverse IPM tools for field cropping systems. He promotes farm decision making based on farm profitability, natural resource conservation, and enhancement of rural communities. He assists farmers with developing on-farm research projects designed to answer local questions through the development of innovative solutions. Come take a look under the soil surface, in the soil pit, at Wilson Organic Farms.
Kory Stalsberg is a farm business and production management instructor at Southwestern Wisconsin Technical College Stalsberg grew up on a small dairy and beef farm. In 2006, he received a Bachelor’s in agriculture education from UW-Platteville and in 2011, he received a master’s from UW-La Crosse in education
Stalsberg will have a rainfall simulator on display. The simulator is used to measure the impact of water on crop management.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Compeer Financial
Dan & Mary Monson
DATCP Producer-led Watershed Grant Program
Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative
Farmers for Sustainable Food
Greg’s Feed & Seed
Land O’ Lakes Foundation
Nicolet National Bank
Rock River Laboratory, Inc
Ross Soil Service
Spensley Feed Sales
The Nature Conservancy